Saturday, December 1, 2007

How to take a walk

Cooper and I try and get out of the house at least every other day for a walk of some sort. I load him up in the Ergo (a type of baby carrier) and we head off. Some criteria for the walk:
  • Has to be a nice day
  • Somewhere that is perceived as safe (in my neighborhood I would head toward the hills).
  • He has to be all juiced up on milk or formula
  • The route has to have an easy out in case he freaks out or blows out his diaper.
Once we have all this in place we head off.
He typically falls asleep and if I don't make a phone call to catch up with someone, I do the following:
  • Say hello to everyone I pass, surprisingly most folks do not reciprocate.
  • Pet as many kittys as possible. We have our favorites that come out to see us on certain routes. I got this from my friend Rachel.
  • Check out everyones houses, pretend I live there, make up stories about the people that do (I got this from my mom!!)
Today we did a modified loop, but I did hoof it up Oakland Ave which is a killer hill. Surprisingly we did not see any kittys, but we saw tons of folks working on their houses, dragging in xmas trees and putting up lights and wreaths.
We also saw a huge hawk that flew over us, it was pretty cool, maybe he was looking for a kitty too?
I'm sure I'm making this sound more complicated then it really is, bottom line, we get outside and get some fresh air. It's great.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Thanks for the credit, LD. It was one of my favorite things to do in the East Bay. Now I talk to all the dogs on the streets of NYC, 'cos there ain't no kitties roaming around as far as I can see.